Tuesday, June 16, 2009

trick shutdown computer automatically

For some people, computer is their friend everyday. There’re feeling not delicious if a day doesn't turn on computer. So that they forget for lethal the computer because will be slept. Expensive electricity bill payment, they have tolerated. But as normal human, they don't expect castaway the money uselesses when the electricity is used computer to accompany to sleep it. If you belong this communities, look nippy change bad habit you/uses program shut down automatic in your Operating System. For Windows XP user with kind of motherboard atx, there are tricks that can help you. Its way by using command prompt. go to start>run>cmd>enter then type command with sintaks like this: tsshutdn [waittime [/server: servername [/reboot [/powerdown [/delay: logoffdelay [/v. actually sintaks this, not for lethal computer automatically, but allow a administrator to controls shutdown/reboot a server terminal. Also can choose for lethal server if computer can support controlling power ac. also tricks the name, provided harmless, what's wrong tried. Explanation of sintaks :

waittime (time in second) : to wait all users does logarithm off. default- 60 second.

/server: servername : determine server terminal to shut down. otherwise determined, so server up to date terminal that shut down.

/reboot : reboot server terminal after all users out or logarithm off.

/powerdown : lethal server terminal if computer can support controlling power ac.

/delay: logoffdelay : determine time waits before end entire process write shutdown server terminals. default- 30 second.

/v : display information hits actions at the (time) of command is run. For example you wantlethal computer in 30 minutes (1800 second) coming, its way:

1. Open command prompt start>run>cmd>enter

2. Type tsshutdn 1800 /powerdown /delay: 20. then press [enter.

3. To cancel this command, enough with depress [control]+[c concurrently.

4. Afterwards so soon appear window system shutdown. up to, want you click

[ok/not, permanent time 30 minutes is counted since you depress enter

5. After 30 minutes will gone so will appear windows system shutdown. By now up to, want to click [ok/not, will not influential. even less may be now you have slept, likely better the computer is let to die self. counted at the (time) of appear this window, 20 second again computer will die self. now, please you try it. and don't be startled when your electricity bill not as expensive as previous months. last, i say good night soundly.

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