Tuesday, June 16, 2009

how to add website favorite icon

Favorites icon are little image that show up in your browser url bar, next to a web address. Favorites icon is a nice ways to brand a website.
These day you can see favorites icon almost every where. You can see it in:

* your computer’s desktop as a shortcut icon
* RSS feed readers
* browser bookmarks lists
* social bookmarking websites
* browser tabs
* search engine results pages (depending on your browser settings)
…and many other places.

Before you learn how to add a favorite icon to your website, let’s learn how to make it first

How to Make A Favorites Icon

Making your icon is easy. We’ll show you how to do it in 2 ways.

1.Make it by your self
You can make your own fav icon using your favorite graphics editing tool. You can draw it from scratch. And save it as jpeg, jpg, png, bmp or gif. And remember that the maximum size of a favorite icon is 16×16 pixel.

2.Use fav icon generator
There are plenty of free fav icon generator on internet. One of my favorite is Dynamic Drive. All you have to do is upload an image that you will use as fav icon. The fav icon generator will resize and crop the image as an icon for you. Simple isn’t?

Add the Favorite Icon To Your Website.

After make a fav icon, upload the fav icon to your web server (put it in public_html).
After that, add this following code within the and tags of your HTML page.

You actually can only use one line of code, but for maximum compatibility with all browsers, i
suggest using both. One line adds the favorites icon and the other line designates the shortcut icon.

For WordPress user, adding favorites icons can be easier! There is a cool plugin, MaxBlogPress Favicon, that adds the above code to your template for you, and all you have to do is design the image that you want to use.

That’s it! Adding a favorites icon is fun and easy, so there’s no excuse for not creating one for your website.

Do you have any questions about how to add website favorite icon? Let me know so that I can post them here.

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